Are your Caregivers Background Checked?

Every caregiver at Elder Crew has been thoroughly vetted. Our screening process includes global watch lists, national, state, and county level criminal records checks. We also conduct identity verification checks to ensure each caregiver's SSN is valid and that each member of our crew is legally able to work. 

In choosing Elder Crew, you have the comfort of knowing you have access to the very best caregivers in the industry. All of our care providers have successfully passed a rigorous recruiting, hiring, and onboarding process.  In addition to the above background checks, we also conduct professional reference checks, and a final face to face with Keith to ensure the candidate meets the Loopy Standard.

What Payment Methods Do You Accept?

We accept checks but preferably process payments by ACH electronic bank transfers. We send invoices electronically and make it easy for them to be split amonst loved ones. 

Do I have to manage workers compensation and payroll taxes?

No. When you choose Elder Crew you escape of the concerns and liability involved with attempting to employ a caregiver on your own.